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Zhejiang Wenzhou Zhang ordered two Audley photo machine, has been successfully installed and debugging!

返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.05.14

Wenzhou Zhang is ready to raise advertising shop equipment, after a friend introduced to choose Audley photo machine, through understanding and consideration, choose Audley single head photo machine, has been successfully installed and tested, production and opening. Thank you for the support of Zhang, I wish Zhang a successful start!

Audley5192Economical photo machine with single headF1080-A1,I3200-A1,I3200-E1, double headedF1080-A1Outdoor printing speed can be reached26m²/h, new advertising shop quality choice!

Contact us

  • Zhongyuan Printing & Packaging Industrial Park, Pingyuan New District, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China
  • +86 0373-732 8999