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In recent days, some cities nationwide banner machine installation

返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.05.08

Audley ribbon banner machine, constantly push the new and remove the old, continuous research and development innovation, from low speed to high speed, from wrinkle cloth to wrinkle cloth, from two or three peopleOperating to a single person, Audley banner machines continue to break the limitations for advertising shop banner printing production to provide convenience.

When it comes to the Audley banner machine, as everyone in advertising knows, Audley has classic discoveries2-1000sBanner machine; salableF6-1000SBanner machine; New Kong-1000KBanner machine; high-speed1000GSBanner machine, etc., with its personalized selection scheme, to meet differentAdvertising shop demand for banner printing.


Two setsF6-1000SRibbon banner machine, efficient productionNo problem


King Kong-1000KRibbon banner machine, no roll cloth to createBanner printing new stage




National banner machine share is high, for many advertising shops to bring highValue profit


Advanced printing technology, can achieve different printing effects, high precision5mmRibbon printing error free

Audley ribbon banner machine, simple, stable, easy to use, the choice of 100,000 advertising shops, for more banner processing help!

Contact us

  • Zhongyuan Printing & Packaging Industrial Park, Pingyuan New District, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China
  • +86 0373-732 8999